Exosome Therapy

As we get older, our skin cells start to atrophy, and our bodies produce fewer exosomes, similarly to how collagen decreases. This leads to sagging, fine lines, and wrinkles. Exosome therapy is a new service at Ramirez Dermatology that allows new exosomes to help “wake up” inactive skin cells and older exosomes so they can get back to work to repair, strengthen, and rejuvenate skin.  

Exosome Therapy at Ramirez Dermatology: 

  • Increases collagen and elastin production 

  • Improves wound healing 

  • Results in skin that is plumper, firmer, brighter, and smoother 

You'll be able to see improvements within two to six weeks following the treatment! Learn more about Exosomes at Ramirez Dermatology below. 

What are Exosomes? 


Exosomes are nanoparticles released by nearly all cells in the human body, and skin cells have their very own kind of exosomes. They contain various lipids, proteins, amino acids, peptides, growth factors, and genetic material.  

What is Exosome Therapy? 

Exosome therapy involves applying topical exosomes (in the form of a serum or gel) after treatments such as hair restoration or microneedling. You might consider exosome therapy the “cherry on top” of in-office treatments because it can only be done in conjunction with one: Never on its own. 


That's because, although exosomes are nanoparticles, they cannot penetrate skin on their own. They need those disruptions in the superficial layer of skin to start communicating with skin cells. Otherwise, they'd just sit on the surface of your skin not performing their function. This is also the reason why over-the-counter serums and creams do not contain exosomes—just yet, possibly. 

What Concerns can Exosomes Help With? 

Exosomes have been found to have a therapeutic role in wound healing, skin flap reconstruction, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, systemic sclerosis, scar removal, facial rejuvenation, pigmentation regulation, vitiligo, and hair growth. 

Exosomes have the potential to revolutionize the cosmetics industry and provide more effective skincare products. The unique properties of exosomes: such as their ability to penetrate the skin, their high concentration of bioactive molecules, and their ability to interact with and modulate the skin’s cells, make them desirable ingredients for cosmetics. We are excited to have exosome therapy available in Utah and are also excited to see where the future of exosomes will take us.