Platelet-rich Plasma Facial

The newest way to turn back the clock…

Introducing Cellenis PRP: A new option in our clinic that involves drawing a small amount of your own blood and spinning it to extract the benefit-rich plasma (PRP). The PRP is re-injected, increasing your skin’s own supply of nourishing blood while stimulating the growth of new skin cells and fibrocytes to produce skin-firming collagen, thicken the skin, restimulate dry oil glands, and allow all-over rejuvenation.

Benefits of PRP injection therapy:

Cellenis PRP naturally restores the skin’s moisture, texture, tone, and glow. It is safe, versatile for many skin concerns, non-allergenic, and has virtually no downtime or side effects.

Concerns we can address with Cellenis PRP Facial:

  • Sun damage

  • Fine lines

  • Loss of moisture and glow

  • Undesirable texture and tone

  • …and more!

Call us to inquire about a PRP facial and see if you are a good candidate for this treatment!