Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal (LHR) is a popular treatment to eliminate hair growth using light therapy to target dark-colored hair. This is a great treatment for individuals who suffer from ingrown hairs or have a condition called hidradenitis suppurativa. Treatments are typically done every 4-6 weeks until hair stops growing in that area. On average, this might take anywhere from six to ten visits. Our office uses a state-of-the-art device that can treat patients of all skin types.

Is laser hair removal permanent?

Laser hair removal is a semi-permanent treatment which results in much thinner, less dense hair. Individuals, however, achieve results that are long-lasting (more than a decade). Touch-up treatments may be needed.

We recommend six- to twelve-month touch-ups following hair removal for a lasting effect. Laser hair removal is ideal for most areas where you would like to remain hair free without shaving, waxing, or tweezing.

Common areas include:

Underarms, bikini line, lip, chin, arms and legs.

What about patients taking testosterone?

Testosterone encourages hair growth. Patients supplementing testosterone will have quicker hair regeneration than other patients and may require more frequent laser treatments.

Is laser hair removal safe?

Yes, laser hair removal is safe for both men and women.

Your master aesthetician will provide a topical numbing solution to reduce discomfort during laser hair removal. Many patients say that the area feels like they have a mild sunburn afterwards. There may be a slight redness immediately after. For those who have treatment on their face, makeup can be worn the next day. Often the discoloration will subside within a day, but it may linger for a few days.

Our patients tell us that this procedure gave them more confidence. They often see a drastic improvement in their skin's appearance because they no longer need to go through waxing, shaving or use depilatory creams.

Contact us today for more information on how laser hair removal can benefit you.


Contact Us

1351 W 200 N (Upstairs)
Kaysville, Utah 84037