Skin Cancer Detection & Prevention

Skin Checks

What is that odd-looking mole on my shoulder? Is it growing? Should I have it checked by a professional?

These are the type of questions that run through the minds of millions of Americans every day as we see a new or changing spot on our skin.

Skin cancer is a serious concern, especially here in Utah, where the living at elevation increases our exposure to UV light. Our state ranks 5th for melanoma incidence.  

Importance of a regular skin check 

Regular skin checks by your dermatologist can help identify and treat skin cancer early and prevent skin cancer from spreading. You should have regular skin exams if you have a personal or family history of skin cancer, if you have risk factors including sunburns, tanning bed use, or a history of “atypical” moles or lots of moles. It is also recommended that individuals with abnormal moles or a history of skin cancer perform a monthly skin examination in front of a full length mirror.

How will my Dermatologist check my skin? 

If you have scheduled your appointment for a full body skin exam you will likely be given a gown and asked to dress down to your underwear. Men, if you don’t want a gown, please bring a pair of shorts to change into. Women, please DO NOT wear make-up or nail polish during your visit. Your doctor may use a hand-held tool called a dermatoscope to exam individual lesions or concerning spots on your skin. In some cases, your doctor may decide to treat with liquid nitrogen, remove a mole or part of a lesion for a biopsy. 

What happens if my mole requires a biopsy? 

Depending on the size of your mole and various other factors, Dr. Ramirez or her physicians assistant may take a small sample of your skin called a biopsy. This process often starts with a local anesthetic, given by the doctor or her staff. Once the area is numb, the doctor will remove a portion or all of the lesion for the dermatopathologist to review. Patients usually receive results by phone in a matter of days to a week. Their results can also be found on their patient portal.

How often should I get a skin check? 

Your dermatologist will tell you how often you will need to be seen for skin checks. More frequent skin checks are needed if you have a personal or family history of skin cancer.

When should I contact my Dermatologist?

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Ramirez or her physicians assistants anytime you have a suspicious growth or mole that changes size, color, shape or texture. Call us today at 801-397-6125 to schedule your skin check.



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1351 W 200 N (Upstairs)
Kaysville, Utah 84037