Plasmage Precision Fractional Plasma Tool
Introducing Plasmage, a non-invasive technology that treats targeted concerns using plasma energy. Some of our favorite uses for Plasmage are reducing upper eyelid hoods or lower eyelids (non-invasive blepharoplasty), addressing “barcode” lines on the lips, removing skin tags, xanthelasma, and dark age spots (seborrheic keratosis).
How is Plasmage different from other aesthetic devices?
Plasmage delivers plasma energy to the tissue by the ionization of gas in the air. It’s an ideal device for treating areas that are often difficult to treat by other modalities. Choosing Plasmage allows our patients to be treated quickly with the advantage of having less down time than surgery.
What is Plasmage used for?
Eyelid rejuvenation: Reducing the appearance of baggy lower and upper lids while removing fine lines
Treating skin imperfections, such as pigmentation marks, sunspots, moles and fibromas
Reducing the appearance of lines around the mouth
Tightening sagging skin
Improving post-surgery scars and stretch marks
When can I see the results of Plasmage?
Results can be seen immediately after the treatment, with improvements continuing over about eight weeks post-treatment. Expect full results between five and sixth months following the treatment. Please note that a series of Plasmage may be necessary to achieve the desired result.
Interested in Plasmage? We’d love to have a no-pressure consultation to see if this treatment is right for you!